About the Journal
Linguistik Indonesia is published by Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI). It is a research journal that publishes various research reports and scientific writings on phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse analysis, pragmatics, anthropolinguistics, language and culture, dialectology, language documentation, forensic linguistics, comparative historical linguistics, cognitive linguistics, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, neurolinguistics, translation, language planning, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics. The paper can be written in English or Indonesian, but the focus and scope of the research should be on data in the Indonesian language or local languages that exist in Indonesia.
Linguistik Indonesia is published periodically twice a year, in February and August. Each article published in Linguistik Indonesia will undergo an assessment process by peer reviewers. Every article submitted to Linguistik Indonesia will be subject to an evaluation process conducted by peer reviewers. Only eligible articles meeting the required standards will be considered for publication in the journal. The decisions made by the reviewers during the peer review process are deemed final.
Important NoteWe do not accept “fast track” requests.
Current Issue
Vol. 43 No. 1 (2025): Linguistik Indonesia