Quantitative Corpus Linguistics, Multiple Distinctive Collexeme Analysis, Usage-based approach to Semantics, Lexical Semantics, Near-synonyms, Emotions, HAPPINESS, IndonesianAbstract
This paper demonstrates the application of Multiple Distinctive Collexeme Analysis (MDCA) to study nuances and similarity between HAPPINESS near-synonyms in Indonesian. MDCA, as a variant of a family of quantitative corpus linguistic method called Collostructional Analysis, is proposed as a usage-based operationalisation for a classic theoretical construct in cognitive linguistic approach to emotion semantics, namely the idea of “related concepts†associated with the meaning of an emotion. Using MDCA, I expanded the idea of “related concepts†to investigate the semantics of more than one, near-synonymous, emotion on the basis of the synonyms’ distinctive collocates. I argue that MDCA (i) provides empirical basis for such a theoretical idea as “related concepts†and (ii) helps enrich semantic characterisation of a given emotion word in comparison to its synonyms, highlighting how they may differ or converge semantically.
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